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Downloading data from the Web is always dangerous. To ensure that you are downloading the correct files, you need to check their md5 checksums (or at least the filename). The error message is that the file is corrupt. What you can do: If you are sure that you have downloaded the correct files, then try downloading again (make sure you have a good connection). Try downloading the repository directly instead of cloning the repo (see Kaggle's GitHub page for details). If you have downloaded the file, use the download command and try again. If the problem still occurs, post a question on Stack Overflow. Kaggle is a platform for data scientists to work on large-scale machine learning tasks in collaboration with other data scientists and economists. Kaggle is an entirely data-driven company: it has no proprietary datasets or algorithms. Q: How to read other people's data in R? See this link on how to save data frames and R objects in other formats and how to read them in R. Q: How can I create a package? What is a package? A package is a way to organize R code. Packages store related pieces of code together. Installing a package is similar to installing an R package. Packages provide a name to group related code together. R files can be placed in the same directory as the R script in which they are used, or they can be placed in one or more packages. By using packages you can easily organize your code and make it easier to share and collaborate with others. How can I create a package? Q: How to check if my code is correctly loaded into R? The default behaviour of load() is that it will do a search for the file in the current working directory and then check that the file is a valid R file. This may take a long time if the working directory is large and/or the file is very large. To disable this behaviour and to make sure that you are loading the correct file, use: source("myfile.R") or if the file is on a web server: source(paste("", "myfile.R", sep="")) Q: How to view help on a command? Type?help or?command. Q: I see the following error message: "Error in.subset2env(this@ptr,




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